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Spectral data loader

Plugin ID: 1993

Loads spectral data

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Loads spectral data into a layer. Possible to create a customised layer. To be used to import a set of geolocated spe files in a directory or csv-files exported from RSI radassist. The RSI csv files has a three line header and several fields that are to be collected for the spectre field, so it can not be imported using the normal csv-import function.

The spectra can be displayed using the plugin Spectre Viewer.
The mission field can be left blank. The text will be used to name a new layer and will be added to the name of any new layer.
For files with data from one detector, spectre2 and dose2, livetime2 and detcount2 will be left blank.

The plugin will also install some new functions to do calculations on spectra for the field calculator. All these functions can be found in the group Gamma

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
1.21 3.0.0 3.99.0 152 mortensickel 2024-12-13T15:48:58.128739+00:00
1.20 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 254 mortensickel 2024-12-02T16:41:11.548208+00:00
1.12 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 836 mortensickel 2024-02-26T21:35:44.053557+00:00
1.11 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 534 mortensickel 2024-02-06T19:47:26.713539+00:00
1.2 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 103 mortensickel 2024-11-21T18:25:40.473642+00:00
1.1 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 752 mortensickel 2023-11-09T20:17:52.898262+00:00
1.0 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 193 mortensickel 2023-10-29T19:33:16.376721+00:00
0.14 3.0.0 3.99.0 479 mortensickel 2022-05-25T19:40:02.509635+00:00
0.13 3.0.0 3.99.0 465 mortensickel 2020-03-22T06:27:28.246916+00:00
0.12 3.0.0 3.99.0 181 mortensickel 2020-03-19T19:33:58.954658+00:00
0.11 3.0.0 3.99.0 133 mortensickel 2020-03-04T20:41:23.113975+00:00

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