2.1: fixes issue #25 2.0: port to QGIS 2.99 1.3.4: use new style signal-slot. The issue was that the action was never activated on some machine without error or warning messages for the user. Funded by IT QGIS User Group. https://github.com/haubourg/EasyCustomLabeling/pull/11 1.3.3: solves error in labeling reconnection on project loads..again 1.3.2: workaround label layer detection that causes label to be not in sync with callouts after project reloading 1.3.1: cosmetic settings for Horizontal alignement centered if deltaX is under tolerance stops when users cancels in dialog for field's choice 1.3: resolves conflicts when multiple labeling layer are active. supports having selected any layer in registry. 1.2: add checks for non vector layer on project reload and labels modifications, when trying to reconnect existing labeling layers. Add a warning if currently selected layer is not a labeling layer (Callouts won't be drawn) 1.1: solves bug with selection if many objects are selected fr translation improvement 1.0: First stable version with full functions working - activates callout modifications even after project load with Memory Layer plugin On - solves NoneType errors on project closing when some uncommited edits remain 0.7: - solves date types bug 0.6: - better French translation - adds a tolerance before creating a callout for small displacements - adds help and tutorial video 0.5: QGis 2.0 compatible. - generates broken Call Outs on the fly when moving a labed . Nicer! - callout can be hidden with attribute LblShowCO. - known issues: - needs Memory layer Saver >= 3.2 to restore all labels correctly - Still misses a button to hide Callouts - Miss an option to choose datasource format to save layer - Callouts can only be modified in the session where labeling layer was created
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