Just another Geopaparazzi database exporter
If you encountered problems with Kmzgeopapaimport and GeopaparazziTags converter, try this minimal plugin. Look for your *.gpap file in your harddisk and it will add layers (notes, image positions, bookmarks and tracklogs) directly to the map. Note that all the layers are "in memory", so you have to save them if you want store them. Images are saved in a new "images" folder in the same directory of the Geopaparazzi database. An action is added to the "image positions" layer in order to open the picture linked to each point.
Version | QGIS >= | QGIS <= | Date | |||
0.1.3 | 2.0.0 | 2.99.0 | 2943 | eachiaradia | 2016-05-01T10:05:39.897971+00:00 | |
0.1.2 | 2.0.0 | 2.99.0 | 1047 | eachiaradia | 2015-10-30T16:34:35.882888+00:00 | |
0.1.1 | 2.0.0 | 2.99.0 | 674 | eachiaradia | 2015-10-15T15:25:18.808895+00:00 | |
0.1 | 2.0.0 | 2.99.0 | 530 | eachiaradia | 2015-10-13T15:18:14.087039+00:00 |
Plugin Tags