2023.08.04 After 3 months user test (185 download) and no issues comunication promote to stable as 0.9.10 Fix progressbar bug and log information for some code running 2023.04.20 upload in plugin repository as experimental as 0.9.9 2022.11.18 vrt from toc by gdal command in osgeo4w shell 2022.11.11 insert QtextEdit.repaint(), improve progressbar and log information for vrt creation 2022.10.28 fix some bug in create_til and path string conversion 2022.10.25 Update function to create Til from gdal command in osgeo4w shell time porcessing very fast (about 4 sec for 130 tiles)! 2022.10.03 add lidar btn duplicate to call indipendent function 2022.09.06 set normal Qdialog when minimized 2022.09.04 fixed some bug in progressbar create_til function 2022.09.03 optimized create til function to improve thread 2022.09.02 Optimized Create_til function to perform progress bar 2022.08.31 Change some nome function and edit code comment 2022.08.30 Optimized add lidar/vrt function connect to bottom Try/except unexpcted error 2022.08.29 Optimized processing.run (gdal.tileindex) 2022.08.28 Optimized progress bar in BuildVRT function with callback 2022.08.25 Version in Qdialog Title Optimized progress bar in BuildVRT function with callback 2022.08.22 output bug for processing.run(gdal:buildvirtualraster), return Float32 instead Float64 input. Replace with gdal module gdal.BulidVRT return Float64. 2022.08.22 - code tunning 2022.08.18 change icon add 'help' and 'open user folder' in GUI and implement connected function bug fix and some change in GUI label 2022.08.17 Change GUI, implement GUI TAB order and clean some waste widget Rename some function. Change GUI. Try to resolve slow output log with add lidar vrt type. Bug fixed for nonetype error. Improve Readme.md file with image 2022.08.05 - bug fixed for nonetype error 2022.08.04 - move to raster menu - improve about test in metadata 2022.07.28 - Improve log information 2022.07.07 - Change icon. Change Plugin name and all object related move botton to Plugin toolbar 2022.07.05 - Set color string to log message
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