Version: [750] Magnetic Declination 2.4.4

2.4.4 Fix QgsRubberBand error (many thanks to Chris Lyon; Preserved compatibility between QGIS
version after some API changes (rubberband's geometry type); added a
function in the Expression editor to retrieve the the magnetic
declination of center-point of a given map within a print layout (many
thanks to Matthew Cengia; UI fixes
2.3.1 update WMM2020 (2020-2025) coefficients, update attribution,
minor UI changes 
2.0.1 minor fixes
2.0.0 major release: Python3 upgrade, new API, minor UI changes, some
bug fixes, update WMM Coefficient
1.7.2 minor UI changes, minor python package updates
1.7.0 added Compass Rose OPTIONS: custom color, date format (YYYY) or
(YY-MM-DD), hide/show height
1.4.0 more Compass Rose enhancement, now conformal; added annual
variation; minor UI changes
1.0.9 fixes Norths direction when map is rotated; fixes inverted
heading issue; fix minor UI issue
1.0.6 bug fixes, many thanks to Geodrinx
1.0.5 some bug fixed , minor language updates, fix minor UI issue
1.0.0 initial release








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