1.0 Improved error handling, Added Timeout option, minor improvements and fixes 0.5.1 Merged Pull Request by Florian Schueller: Linux compatibility and error messages (Support for Linux Filepaths, Support for Minute and Hour in Isochrones-Interval-GUI, Improved Error Messages for Isochrones) 0.5 Bugfixing and codeimprovements, added ability to choose a custom folder to store isochrone tempfiles at in case users do not have write permissions on plugin folder location, disable/enable gui elements while threads are running to prevent accidential changes of settings 0.4 Implemented QThreads to keep GUI responsive on heavy load, added ability to cancel the process, complete restructure of code, minor other improvements 0.3 Added calculated field for totalroute-distance and totalroute-mode, minor code and general improvements, python-naming-conventions 0.2 Functionality for Routes added and minor optimizations 0.1 First experimental version, able to work with Isochrones
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