Version: [1769] QGISRed 0.16

- New options in the nodal demand manager to declare consumption for
the entire network or by zones.
- Option to export, edit and re-import links between point consumption
and junctions
- New options for importing/exporting/deleting demand scenarios by
- New tools in the nodal demand manager to consider water efficiency
or assign consumption patterns by sectors
- New scenario manager to store and retrieve some model parameters in
- Automatic calculation of pipe lengths from the coordinates of the
- Automatic service connection layout, creating a perpendicular to the
nearest pipe or a link to the nearest junction
- Possibility to automatically trace connections of predefined length
from a point on a pipe or a junction
- New option to mirror a service connection with the invert tool
- New option to import service connections as points, creating
perpendiculars to the nearest pipe or junctions
- New IsActive field in service connections to define if it is
operational or not
- Verification of the contact point of a service connection with a
pipe or junction at both ends
- Before calculating the hydraulic sectorization, the status of the
manual valves is now transmitted to the pipes
- When exporting to INP the loss coefficient of the shut-off valves is
transmitted to the pipes
- Declaration, editing and deletion of meters of various types, as new
elements of the Digital Twin
- Editing, reading and saving of signals associated with meters
- New dialog for reading field data and exporting to CSV those
corresponding to the simulation interval
- New option to export the field data, together with the INP file
- New fields in the import dialog, to be able to import more element
- New option to show in the auxiliary themes the elements with some
incidence, during the shapefile importing process
- New buttons and new slider in the results panel
- Improvements in the labels to display the results
- New type of result to display the Status of lines
- Improvements in the search from the property editor
- When exporting INP, a new list of EPANET executable paths is offered
to  automatically open the exported file
- When importing an INPs file, patterns are now classified by type
- New warning has added when autocompleting the ID of an element
- Changes in the order and names of some toolbar buttons
- Changes in the visual styles of some of the elements
- New link to QGISRed website in the info window
- Fixed an error when reading the IDcurve in GPV valves and editing it
from the properties dialog
- Fixed an error when assigning default values to bulk and wall
reaction coefficients while importing an INP file
- Fixed a bug and message displayed when reading quality sources in
reservoirs and tanks
- Fixed a problem that caused the point selection tools to stop for
certain features
- Fixed a bug in the tool to create T-connections massively
- Fixed a bug with the multiple selection tool
- Fixed a bug in the polygon selection tool, when the reference system
was not assumed by default
- Fixed a bug with the snapping tool (point selection of elements) in
QGis version 3.26








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