Version: [412] Qgis2threejs 2.8

Version 2.8
- Added option to select either WebEngine or WebKit for preview from
the menu
- WebEngine view is now preferred option when available
- Removed console panel
- Developer tools are now accessible even when not in debug mode
- Log python side warnings and errors also in the JavaScript console
- An icon will appear in the status bar to indicate warnings or
- Fixed a bug where labels were not displayed on Extruded/Overlay
- Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin settings dialog from opening
due to the deprecation of SafeConfigParser

Version 2.7.3
- Fixed a regression related to vertical line
- Fixed a popup layout issue

Version 2.7.2
- Fixed easing of sequential line growing
- Fixed URL of GSI elevation tile
- Fixed some other bugs
- Added some GUI tests
- Exporter can now work with Qt WebEngine view (Experimental. Needs
some changes on QGIS code)
- Use JS class so that we can use a recent three.js version in the
- Plugin document migrated to GitHub pages

Version 2.7.1
- Added option to export DEM texture in JPEG
- Bug fixes

Version 2.7
* Animation for Narratives
- Camera motion, growing line, opacity transition and texture change
animations are now available
* 3D Viewer
- Added measure distance tool
- Added action to zoom to layer objects
* Exporter
- Added tabs to property dialogs and regrouped widgets in the dialogs
- Fixed cancellation of building layer objects
* Scene
- Units of 3D world space are same as map units
- Added option to add fog
- Added option to use point light above camera
- DEM can have multiple textures
- Added menu action to add a flat plane
- Renamed surrounding blocks to tiles
* Vector
- Put labels into 3D world
- Added some labeling settings (color, font size, background color,
- Added Thick Line type for line layer
* Others
- Fixed loading point cloud data
- Removed experimental ray tracing renderer template








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