0.2.5 [20240608]: - fixed bug related to using a float for the RubberBand setWidth method 0.2.4 : - updated style of import of gdal-related modules 0.2.3 : - removed two minor bugs related to null geometries emitted, using try .. except - fixed deprecation warning related to QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.toProj4() method -> toProj() 0.2.2 : - added smooth and simplify parameters for lines 0.2.1 : - fixed Help bug for Windows 0.2.0 : - porting to QGIS 3 0.1.1 : - removed prior layer editing requirement; added color choice; added notes 0.1.0 : - removed possibility to save annotation shapefile on an existing one 0.0.9 : - added sub-unit pencil widths 0.0.8 : - removed bug appearing when multiple clicks on pencil tool; added eraser tool 0.0.7 : - removed unwanted styling on non-annotation layers 0.0.6 : - pencil widths in map units, so they scale correctly with map extent 0.0.5 : - help added 0.0.4 : - first release in QGis plugin repository
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