2.5.5 Fix importing gdal 2.5.4 Compatibility fix: replace time.clock with time.perf_counter 2.5.3 Bug fix: None nodatavalue checking 2.5.2 Set no data value for the output 2.5.1 Bug fix: Fix numpy types indexing values 2.5 Bug fix: filter without pyopencl numpy types 2.4 Calculate variance based on the sum of the three bands 2.3.3 Forgot to add required file with c source code 2.3.2 Fixed issue involving Qt handling inside threads 2.3.1 Refactor code for readability 2.3 Improved c code performance for OpenCL 2.2 Filter combobox to raster layers 2.1 Added support for opencl 2.0 Refactor for QGIS 3.0 1.1.1 Fixed small bug when reopening the plugin 1.1 Refactored for Qgis 2.0 1.0.2 Fixed special character handling 1.0.1 Support for linux temporary file 1.0 Added support for varible number of bands (only 3 bands supported before) 0.4.2 Translation support. 0.4.1 Fixed bug when clicking output browse button before assigning a input file 0.4 Fixed a bug within the algorithm, the mean outputs had the value range 1:256, leading 256 to 0 when transformed to byte, range was set to 0:255 0.3.1 Code was modified to improve readability; 0.3 Fixed bugs regarding non reponsive widget during algorithm processing 0.2.1 Translated to english 0.2. Added button to use an input raster that is not loaded in qgis layers
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