Version: [629] Networks 2.7.24

2.7.24 fix some bugs in nodal intensity script
2.7.23 add update musliw network file script and stops outputs
2.7.22 fix bug in nodal intensity script
2.7.21 fix bug at startup
2.7.20 enhance nodal potential and intensity script
2.7.19 fix the bug on plugin loading
2.7.18 fix computation bug in nodal intensity
2.7.17 add nodal potential and intensity indicators
2.7.16 fix bugs for 3.36 compatibility
2.7.15 fix somes bugs in several scripts
2.7.14 fix bug in matrix_table script
2.7.13 fix some bugs in models
2.7.12 fix bug qgis_process segmentation fault (core dump) on Linux
2.7.11 add model (.model) to generate a road network from an existing
polyline/multipolyline layer
2.7.10 add some models (.model3) algorithms in order to build
multi-modal networks and generate isochrons and catchment areas
2.7.9 bug fix in GTFS import V2
2.7.8 enhance catchment area model
2.7.7 fix some bugs
2.7.6 add processing models for isochrons and some bug fixes
2.7.5 add an encoding choice in prepare_GTFS
2.7.4 fix some bugs and some speed issues
2.7.3 fix some bugs
2.7.2 add importGTFSv2 script to allow easier Min network generation
2.7.1 some bug fixes
2.7.0 add multimodal assignment with frequency based networks with
Mint algorithm
2.6.10 some bug fixes
2.6.9 some bug fixes
2.6.8 add mode indicator for multimodal gravity indicator
2.6.7 add node file indicators with custom grouping
2.6.6 fix bug in multimodal gravity indicators
2.6.5 add possibility of zero length connectors
2.6.4 fix some bugs
2.6.3 fix bug in multi gravity accessibility
2.6.2 fix bug in individual isovalue polygons and add a script ink
indicator for multi-point isochrone
2.6.1 fix bugs in connectors (pb with log/lat layer) and update pole
2.6.0 add gravity indicators of accessibility (with spatial or spatial
and modal competition)
2.5.18 fix colum header in travel times indicator, simple list matrix
demand, routes and path analysis string length
2.5.17 add a compact mode for nodes output file
2.5.16 fix musliw_timetable_network calendar bug
2.5.15 add expression in matrix simple list for demand field
2.5.14 fix import gtfs bug
2.5.13 fix i,j, ij field size in create graph
2.5.12 fix import GTFS bug (id string len too small)
2.5.11 null length option for connectors and fix bug in path
2.5.10 add path indicator script
2.5.9 add script for update links selection traval times
2.5.8 now the plugin algs can be called from qgis_process
2.5.7 fix bug in
2.5.6 fix bug in
2.5.5 fix some bugs
2.5.4 fix minor bugs
2.5.3 Fix iso value polygon bug (proj issue) & otherminor bugs
2.5.2 fix isovalue polygons in postgis and remove useless isovalue
polygons to increase speed
2.5.1 add expression filter for indicators by od
2.5.0 add concatenate network files algorithm and introduce Datetime
parameters (need Qgis 3.14 and +)
2.4.6 fix some bugs
2.4.5 add filters for indicators by node and indicators by link
2.4.4 add indicator by od and day
2.4.3 bug fixes
2.4.2 bug fixes
2.4.1 fix some bugs
2.4.0 add intermodality and origin node update for individual values
polygon generation (draw service areas)








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