1.0.0-rc1 (2022-02-23) - (changed) Replace core QGIS GeoNode provider when activated - (changed) Hide select UI controls when remote reports insufficient permissions - (changed) Improve plugin description when viewed through QGIS plugin manager - (fixed) Improve focus behavior for searching datasets in QGIS data source dialog - (fixed) Improve handling of invalid connections 0.9.5 (2022-02-09) - (added) Add new WFS version config option and default to WFS v1.1.0 - (fixed) Remove unsupported f-string formatting on Python3.7 - (fixed) Assign `UNKNOWN` as dataset type when the remote does not report it 0.9.4 (2022-02-07) - (added) Add support for HTTP Basic Auth when connecting to GeoNode deployments featuring version 3.3.0 or later 0.9.3 (2022-01-20) - (fixed) Improve compatibility with Python 3.7 when exporting SLD for raster layers - (fixed) Fix network access manager not using correct timeout for layer uploads 0.9.2 (2022-01-18) - (fixed) Do not use QgsNetworkAccessManager features introduced after QGIS 3.18 0.9.1 (2022-01-14) - (fixed) Fix layer properties dialogue not opening correctly for non-GeoNode layers - (fixed) Improve plugin metadata fields when displayed in QGIS plugin repo list - (fixed) Do not use typing.Final in order to support PYthon 3.7 0.9.0 (2022-01-12) - (added) Add connection capabilities and detected version details - (added) Connection test now uses auth credentials, if available - (changed) Layer uploads also send SLD style - (changed) Update user guide - (fixed) Fix re-download of metadata for loaded layers - (fixed) Fix dataset abstract not being shown on the UI anymore 0.5.0 (2021-12-29) - (added) Allow uploading QGIS layers to GeoNode as new datasets - (fixed) QGIS plugins menu no longer shows empy reference to this plugin 0.4.0 (2021-12-20) - (added) Allow loading and saving layer title and abstract from/to GeoNode - (changed) Bump minimum QGIS version to 3.18 0.3.4 (2021-12-17) - (added) Modify style of GeoNode layer and save it on the remote GeoNode - (changed) Network fetcher task is now able to perform PUT requests - (changed) Better handling of network errors 0.3.3 (2021-11-22) - (fixed) This release is functionally equivalent to v0.3.2 0.3.2 (2021-11-22 - [YANKED]) - (changed) Introduce compatibility with the latest developments of upstream GeoNode API 0.3.1 (2021-05-07) - (added) Persist current search filters between restarts of QGIS - (added) Add icon to button that fetches keywords - (added) Improve user feedback when testing connections - (fixed) Improved layer loading with the CSW API - (fixed) Fix incorrect pagination results with the CSW API 0.3.0 (2021-04-07) - (added) Allow filtering searches by temporal extent and publication date - (added) Add ordering of search results - (added) Add Changelog to the online documentation - (added) Further improve the look of search results - (changed) All HTTP requests are now done in a background thread to avoid blocking QGIS UI - (changed) Load layers in a background thread in order to avoid blocking QGIS UI - (changed) Improve feedback shown when searching and loading layers - (changed) Move Title search filter out of the collapsible group, so that it is easier to access - (fixed) Improved error handling - (fixed) Fix incorrect visibility of the Search/Next/Previous search buttons - (fixed) Reset pagination when pressing Search button - (fixed) Remove unused Add/Close buttons on datasource manager dialogue 0.2.0 (2021-02-28) - (added) Add initial support for earlier GeoNode versions - (added) Initial support for search filters - (added) Add support for applying a vector layer's default SLD style when loading - (changed) Improve look of search results - (fixed) Fix invalid update date for versions released via custom plugin repo 0.1.1 (2021-02-02) - (fixed) Invalid tag format in previous version prevented automated distribution to our custom QGIS repo 0.1.0 (2021-02-02 [YANKED]) - (added) Load GeoNode layers into QGIS - (added) Load a GeoNode metadata into the corresponding QGIS layer - (added) Manage GeoNode connections through the plugin GUI - (added) Improve plugin metadata and documentation - (fixed) Current connection settings are now always up-to-date with the GUI 0.0.9 (2021-01-11) - (fixed) Invalid plugin zip name 0.0.8 (2021-01-08) - (fixed) Remove pycache files from plugin zip 0.0.7 (2021-01-08) - (fixed) Invalid CI settings 0.0.6 (2021-01-08) - (fixed) Invalid CI settings 0.0.5 (2021-01-08) - (added) Initial project structure - (added) Add infrastructure for automated testing - (added) Add infrastructure for managing releases - (added) Add geonode API client
Plugin Tags