1.5.5 * Fix rendering of tiles outside of layer extent * Fix qgis warnings 1.5.4 * Allow JPG as format for NGRC 1.5.3 * Fix problem with 65356 tiles limit 1.5.2 * Removed the limitation of the maximum zoom * Host css+js in local repository for LeafLet preview 1.5.1: * create tiles for NextGIS Mobile * add MBTiles compression * add export MBTiles metadata to .json file * add image overview for MBTiles * add option for skiping tiles outside of layers extents (within combined extent) 1.5.0: * change MBTiles parameters vаlues: format in lower case, description is 'Created with QTiles' * tiles are now produced correctly when transparency is set * geojson is now rendered correctly * CRS shift when using 3857 is fixed 1.4.6: * works fine now with non-english characters in folder names * add MBTiles initialize arguments for Geopaparazzi4 * take into account the actual zoom level when generating tiles
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