---3.3.0--- * Merge PR 292 that fixes the following two errors * Fix: Infinity values resulting from the reprojection * Fix: with and height not being integers ---3.2.2--- * Fix: Make sure native library is unloaded before trying to update it ---3.2.1--- * Fix: Loading error on Mac * Fix: Loading of native decoding library ---3.2.0--- * Fix: Due to a bug in the style parser, no labels/icons were shown anymore (icons are still not visible, due to an issue in QGIS) * OpenMapTiles removed from predefined connections * MapTiler added to predefined connections ---3.1.0--- * OpenInfraMaps added to predefined connections ---3.0.5--- * Bugfix: Layer names from the TileJSON containing characters invalid for a filepath, would lead to an exception. * Feature: ArcGIS support via TileJSON ---3.0.4--- * Feature: Loading a TileJSON from the harddisk is now supported * Bugfix: Native library might have prevented deinstallation of plugin * Bugfix: Error detection in networking code fixed ---3.0.3--- * Bugfix: Ensure Python 3.5 string format compatibility ---3.0.2--- * Disconnect internal event at shutdown of reader ---3.0.1--- * Bugfix: Loading error fixed 'Error during network request: 201' * Bugfix: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int' * Bugfix: Handling of CRS 'USER:100000 * Code quality improved ---3.0.0--- * Starting separate development of QGIS 3 version ---2.1.0--- * New predefined connection 'Nextzen.org' added ---2.0.7--- * Bugfix: Make sure response of webrequest is str and not bytes if url is for a json file ---2.0.6--- * Loading performance increased for TileJSON connections by avoiding unnecessary URL checks * Bugfix: Show tile excess warning only if tile loading limit is disabled ---2.0.5--- * Bugfix: Logging fixed for QGIS 3 ---2.0.4--- * Bugfix: 'Refresh' button working again * Bugfix: Warning about tile limit works now in both QGIS 2 and 3 * Predefined Mapcat connection removed ---2.0.3--- * Bugfix: Handle HTTP 301 instead of throwing an error ---2.0.2--- * Bugfixes for OSX that were introduces with the QGIS 3 compatibility * Directory source improved: "tiles" property of metadata.json supported * Sample "metadata.json" added to samples folder ---2.0.1--- * Bugfixes that were introduces with the QGIS 3 compatibility ---2.0.0--- * Connection sponsors added to plugin metadata * QGIS 3 support ---1.8.0--- * New predefined connection 'Mapcat.com' added ---1.7.3--- * Connection source added as custom property to the layers ---1.7.2--- * Bugfix: OTF was enabled before the new CRS was set, which removed and locked the map scale ---1.7.1--- * Skipped ---1.7.0--- * UI slightly changed * Directory connection improved ---1.6.0--- * Style generator updated: Icon size is now correctly determined * Loading less tiles due to other zoom-level-from-scale logic * Caching performance increased ---1.5.0--- * Mapbox GL Styles can be used to automatically generate QGIS styling * Stability & performance improvements * UI improved * New plugin icon ---1.4.1--- * OSX binaries rebuilt * Correctly trigger reloading upon scale/extent change ---1.4.0--- * QGIS 3 compatibility * Bugfix: Manual zoom selection * Bugfix: Tile clipping in native mode * Bugfix: Tile merging in native mode * Bugfix: Don't access reader after failed connection attempt * UX improved: smaller resolutions than 1920x1080 supported ---1.3.0--- * Custom layer properties namespaced with 'VectorTilesReader/' * Native decoding support for OSX * pbf2geojson binaries renamed * Support source crs other than web mercator (3857) ---1.2.5--- * Performance in native mode increased * Loading stability improved ---1.2.4--- * The user settings are persisted * Stability improvements * Feature processing performance increased ---1.2.3--- * Plugin description updated * Bugfix: an error occured when connection to a TileJSON server after being already connected to another * Bugfix: show the correct tile coordinates in the statusbar ---1.2.2--- * SQLite multithreading issue fixed * Remember last used path in connections dialog * Endless reload loop fixed, which occured under specific circumstances * Export temporarily removed. Will be reimplemented soon. ---1.2.1--- * Layout of dialog changed * Initial browse folder determination improved ---1.2.0--- * The loading performance has been increased. * A new predefined connection to Mapzen.com has been added * Feature merging improved * Tile clipping improved * Cache is cleard if plugin version has changed ---1.1.0--- * A new mode 'Basemap' has been added. Vector tiles are automatically reloaded upon zoom/pan. * The loading performance has been increased. * Bugfixes ---1.0.2--- * Bugfixes regarding tile loading from server sources: {api_key} present on any tile url, will be replaced by the api_key parameter specified on the source url (if available) * Tile-coordinates of current mouse position is shown in statusbar ---1.0.1--- * Bugfixes regarding tile loading from server sources ---1.0.0--- * UI changed: file can be opened directly without adding as connection * Experimental flag removed * Bugfixes & improvements
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