Rev 2.1.6 - not working default WPS removed Rev. 2.1.5 - Data source issue fixed Rev. 2.1.4 - Fix for issue #2 Rev. 2.1.3 - Workaround for issue #1 Rev. 2.1.2 - Feature from request #10736 "Go back to the last used server" added Rev. 2.1.1 - addMultipleGeometryBase64Input Bug fixed Rev. 2.1.0 - Bug #11101 fixed - Bug #12794/#13425 WPS client crashes QGIS - filtering of service identifier, title and abstract added Rev. 2.0.15 - Bug #12333 fixed - Repository moved to GitHub Rev. 2.0.14 Rev. 2.0.14 - Contributor Enrico De Guidi added Rev 2.0.13 - Fix issue #11180 Rev 2.0.12 - new connection bug fixed Rev 2.0.11 - Fix rstrip being called on qstring - Fix progressbar Rev 2.0.10 - Fix #11180 - GEOSERVER XML issue Rev 2.0.9 - Fix URL editing error Rev 2.0.8 - Fix #10717 - remove leading and ending whitespaces from URL Rev 2.0.7 - Maintenance commit Rev 2.0.6 - Fix #10717 - remove leading and ending whitespaces from URL Rev 2.0.5 - QGIS 1 / 2 compatibility fixes - encoding fixes
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